Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Restore normal functioning of the body after a course of anabolic steroids

Post-cycle therapy is a set of medicines to restore normal functioning of the body after a course of AAS (androgene anabolic steroids). First the endocrine system. It is necessary for:
Monitoring adverse events during the course;
Restore your natural hormone levels;
Minimize the loss of muscle mass after a course;
Avoidance of side effects from AAS. Such as testicular atrophy, or gynecomastia.

Control flavoring

On the course (without changing the set dose and take steroids) maybe you to control their flavoring and progestogenic activity. It is also possible to maintain the function of the testicles to produce testosterone. All this is done with the help of intake of additional drugs.
Flavoring, that is the conversion of androgens into estrogens, can be controlled in two ways. You can block the action of estrogen on receptors, and can prevent the process of flavoring (the aromatase inhibitors). Consequently, there are two different classes of drugs with different mode of action.

Blockers of estrogen receptors

These drugs act by attaching to estrogen receptors and thereby blocking estrogens access to them. This group includes Clomid (Clomiphene) and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen).
Often used is tamoxifen, because it is the most efficient and cost effective. Tamoxifen has a number of very useful side effects. The main one is an increase in the synthesis hormone LH. Function of LH is the stimulation of the testis. This will increase the production of testosterone and sperm. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is so effective that after 10 days of taking it 20 mg a day production of testosterone is increased by 42% compared to baseline. And after 6 weeks are increased by 83%.
Under the influence of Tamoxifen it will increase the production of high-density lipoproteins, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
However, with all the advantages of Nolvadex, it is not recommended to suppress the flavoring while taking steroids, as this greatly reduces the effectiveness of taking steroids. Basically, it is used after discontinuation of steroid drugs.
In the course of AAS, Tamoxifen is permissible to use provided that you only use drugs that are not prone to flavoring.
Effective dosage of Tamoxifen is 20 to 60 mg/day and it is recommended to divide the dosage into 2-3 doses.
To start taking Tamoxifen you should be at least 3-4 weeks after the course, better and longer. And continue to take it until the beginning of the next course.